
Zen again is a blog written by me, John Large. The sole purpose is to share my journey from stressed out, debt laden graduate living in a fast paced consumer driven world to a chilled out, kind, content & generous person. My aim is to de-clutter, de-stress and generally simplify life so each day can be wonderful & lived with real purpose. It’s like being an adult and trying to grasp the feeling we had as kids when the day felt endless & free, unplanned & without agenda. I hope you read these posts as it develops. I’m going to try and post often & I hope you will ask me questions. But first a little about me:

My name is John. I was brought up in a town between Liverpool & Manchester in the North West of England. I’ve encountered a lot of obstacles in my life but I’ve also had some wonderful people & experiences. At 16 I met the woman who would become my wife, best friend & biggest supporter. At 18 years old I moved to Scotland & started working and by 20 I was living in Manchester doing a Web Development degree. In the years after my degree, I worked for City Centre Web Development agencies in Manchester, went back to University to do a Masters degree in Computer Science and started my own business. I’ve lived all over the UK and currently reside in Cornwall, England.

The things I left out of the above are the bad bits. I’ve experienced Loss, Debt, Depression, Serious Illness & disability in the family, ups & downs in our family business and a whole host of other things. These shape me as a person but I’m determined that they will not define me as a person.